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发表于 2016-1-1 07:10:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
18 years old, Lvliang Xing County.  the help of a colleague at the gruel car launch backyard, settled in front of the restaurant side. At this time of porridge in the car.' a0 f7 Y: h* e1 G2 f
was originally two concepts blur the boundaries. But in the provincial capital of North Grand Xinmin dishes Museum, you will find here, porridge and porridge entirely different. One yuan a bowl of porridge, a business; porridge distributed free of charge, is charity. May 29, 2010 to now, this modest restaurant has been in front of the soup nearly eight months, received more for patients and their families nearby hospitals. Months caring people to make donations of rice and other forms of participation which more than 60 people. First,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]centre-huit.org/]louboutin femme], the hotel staff: soup bring joy pride When January 22 at 4 pm,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]baby-star.it]woolrich roma], the reporter went to the big strong dishes Museum,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]forestedilombardia.it/]air jordan shop], because of the time yet to come, in front of no soup or porridge collar people. Operation between the open back door restaurant in a hostel hospital, the reporter walked into the hospital,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]armoniaenatura.it]moncler piumini], one can see the car parked in the corner of porridge. Porridge vehicle triangle and iron welded into the top prominently marked with the word "love porridge",[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]hotel-bonsejour-montmartre.fr/abercrombie.asp]abercrombie soldes], "free distribution" and so on. Waist-high metal operating table, covered with two large size of the rice cooker base, the lower portion of porridge car, and another line of small print "for the patient to overcome the disease add to the force." Car not far from the porridge on a small briquette stove,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]regm.fr]imitation louboutin pas cher], like a bucket of boiling hot cauldron positive, there are wearing work clothes from time to time carry the chef tablespoon over, lift the lid to see,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]freezer-seo.fr/nike-tn/]nike tn], stir a few By then he turned and walked away. About half an hour later,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]regm.fr]louboutin femme pas cher], a not tall hairstyle trendy waiter brisk pace to come out,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]centosapori.it]moncler piumini], the car began to wipe dust porridge in white work clothes on his breast,[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]deremetallica.org/barbour-france/]barbour france], conspicuously pinned  League emblem. He called Feng Xiaolong.
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