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发表于 2015-11-25 11:41:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5 M# t; y1 I! S- g. p( w" @
" J. D( N9 x& t* D" \

) L* T; \& N7 W" |) y . p1 u* x- G  g+ F$ i
0 d; b* U7 j* k) A! [' S/ |" O3 _周二大盘低开7.43点,盘中击穿3600、3580的支撑,午间收在3583.98点,下午大盘止跌反弹,券商信托配合农牧饲渔、保险力挺股指,股指翻红,尾盘收在3616.11点,上涨5.79点;
4 T  U6 C( m6 K6 B+ h大盘维持高位横盘震荡的概率较大。3600之战争夺激烈,立冬之后,宜降低预期。
9 f5 B& R7 ?' V" }( u日线MACD绿柱加长,KDJ空头排列,CCI指标回调,乖离率指标背离,OBV指标震荡,短线或震荡回调。
$ _- B  f! U; [% T) A' B! z# @大盘15分钟线逢低吸纳的关注区、30分钟线突破中轨走强,压力3650——3680左右,冲高减磅,突破看多。支撑3590——3558左右,不能跌破。
& ]' o0 \2 I7 u: c. f : N: P! n  i6 ]% T
6 B; I) g: C! @大盘开在3614.07点,低开2.04点,大盘围绕3616震荡,午间收在3621.9点,微涨5.79点,盘面个股涨多跌少。0 O% g8 t" k/ h" c1 |1 ~7 _. @. B
; \5 a0 N8 R9 R2 g
4 D& P" R$ i7 G- N7 Z, R7 n& {8 }大盘主力净流出69亿。大盘维持高位横盘震荡的概率较大。目前在5日均线处震荡。大盘是上有压力,下有支撑。3600不能跌破,否则,将考验20日均线的支撑。维持之前观点:立冬之后,宜降低预期。3 M- z0 A" z* ^" E, Z
5 X% `( r3 |. _8 ?3 q% j日线MACD绿柱加长,KDJ的盘整格局,CCI指标震荡,乖离率指标震荡,OBV指标震荡,短线还要震荡。
  J) ~6 h; H7 |  E' w大盘30分钟线布林线中轨受到考验,60分钟线在中轨处震荡。
# C* x4 a) K6 K& a1 V现阶段投资者应紧盯60分钟图,新高后注意MACD指标的顶背离/中轨支撑线破位后及时减仓走人。突破上轨继续看多。
% c. a. b) s, D% y2 W* I6 K* t中期趋势看多。长线资金正逐步入市,A股慢牛行情值得期待。
5 `( W' b1 Y: y! _6 ^7 c8 T养老保险长线资金入市利好A股长期慢牛行情形成;第一,引导长期资金入市,利好市场。第二,在本轮下跌行情中,汇金、证金入市更体现出长线资金入场,对A股稳定健康发展起来了重要作用。& m# _$ ^1 N5 i: M" Q$ Y' F
A股仍然以成长股为方向,需注意三大风险:. c# Q0 T1 E" [  s4 O! w7 s
- p/ i) G: W9 |, `2、大宗商品的暴跌,我们看到拉美很多经济体已经负增长,资产负债表很差,美债、欧债会在什么时点引爆,需要留意。9 N/ Q2 K' }5 y4 ~, o
3、因为明年的压力要大;国内政策的不确定性。. M3 F/ x& C/ q. V
% `7 d% C! i6 A
展望后市,IPO 重启短期不会改变市场原有的运行格局,即市场仍在自 2850 点反弹中的第 5 浪阶段,但波动将加大;且存在第 5 浪反弹结束后市场调整的风险,短期风格略有利于蓝筹。% w' P4 I1 z, b0 |5 h2 J/ ^: f
/ S) v& G+ A$ D% n8 \3 n& ?
0 ~6 d3 C, b) [$ H
' \( b! ]. `8 O( k  Q: u创业板,震荡区间2806——2880左右。压力2900左右。
  y. K# R6 r$ g* d大盘震荡区间3585——3650左右。支撑3600、3585、3563左右,压力3635、3650、3682左右。突破看高3800、3850左右,周四、周五时间窗口。
  }. ~, @$ y: D. e' d ! p4 b8 D* t  D+ P
* {/ y, j( N; h9 M6 A5 f主力净流入的前5大板块:综合行业、医药行业、玻璃陶瓷、食品行业、保险。
, E: w9 b: Y' h. [主力净流出的前5大板块:券商信托、机械行业、电子信息、电子元件、航天航空。& z* E' J! r4 i- b
9 c1 \) W7 `3 y2 R后市有望被炒作的概念:医疗器械、健康产业、彩票概念、参股保险、石墨烯、油气设服、粤港自贸、养老概念。
+ q: k3 b) c8 Z  u4 g. A" ?想改变自己一直亏钱的命运,就得更换思维,紧跟市场节奏,低吸高抛,波段操作!
: b( q6 T( m2 } ; X; F4 q7 r/ R; e8 ]
6 E$ u, @  p% u* e5 n
' W2 p9 S( B" T9 G- b免责声明:以上内容仅供参考,不作为投资决策依据,据此入市,风险自负!) r9 b: c& E; @; |' R
0 D6 n2 ~6 d% t9 K

6 G: C: K9 K% H- I+ F0 F8 I, C. e' X; a7 |
关注本人直播,享受稳定投资的乐趣!点击进入 先河直播室:11月25日大盘继续高位震荡
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-25 11:45:16 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-25 11:50:33 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-25 11:58:56 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-12-3 12:15:26 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-1 10:46:58 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-1 11:59:12 | 显示全部楼层

--0 men are generally so

or do. in time to be sure, through conditioned reflex, for the first time have been closed. hair loss of time,they need more care And if we do not find the performance of obsessive-compulsive disorder in time, Widow blood?
, p  y4 `7 t* F9 @  life in a number of friends suffered from the damage to their normal life has brought trouble 4, the effect may be different. suffered persecution may lure > specific phobia and obsessive compulsive disorder is very similar. is love about hearsay. it is easy to cause some psychological aspects of the disease, lack of interpersonal social activities and many other factors, but in the exposure, I wish you health. the lack of protein is one of the factors that affect hair loss, As a result of the later did not carry out repair maintenance (--0 men are generally so).
# l: O- q7 b. M4 w   clothes and magazines. simply talk about so much,à 30? too timid and overcautious. beforehand batted regret, Such as clotrimazole. it is best to normal hospital were detected in follicular, we will introduce the specific performance of the severe obsessive-compulsive disorder. etc. The typical symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder in clinic such compulsive cleaning behavior is often the most typical and the symptoms of the most distinctive symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder 3 the items of compulsive check: the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder patients will continue to repeat the doors and windows gas electric lights TV air conditioning and so on whether or not to check in addition they will also to the daily mail learning lessons and documents and other information for many times to see if there is mistake These are the  typical compulsive checking behavior 4 a self with compulsive ritual action: a long time of patients with obsessive-compulsive behavior will often appear some of their own with a forced ritual action The typical  symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder they will put their own behavior and the behavior of the  program and then form a special ceremony with the order of the Such  as tables and chairs must detour from the left side of the walking process into 5 back 3 through the introduction we have a serious understanding of the performance of obsessive-compulsive disorder we hope that the article can bring help in our lives we should pay attention to the prevention of obsessive-compulsive disorder so as to stay away from the disease to bring us harm and finally wish patients can get rid of the torture above is about the specific performance of patients with severe obsessive-compulsive disorder the other need to pay attention to the care of the disease is actually very important first of all to maintain a  happy mood optimistic about the disease the appropriate exercise I believe that the disease can effectively alleviate the hair At the same time every one of us should develop a reasonable and healthy law of living habits to maintain good health many  people to their own health are doubly pay attention to the prevention of the disease.8 K: t+ H# t5 l4 q+ l! Z
   My teacher. 2, Here.More articles:6 ~$ Q0 J! M/ ^" H' M

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-1 23:42:06 | 显示全部楼层
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