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发表于 2020-5-19 07:25:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
简单麦麦+ }6 j8 y# C/ x2 w( i/ X
下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/305496/5 `+ T0 H9 ~' N
标题(title):Create Your Own Hedge Fund: Increase Profits and Reduce Risks with ETFs and Options- B( }$ Z/ {8 U
创建自己的对冲基金:利用etf和期权增加利润并降低风险: V2 ^/ X* R; _9 N5 D! r
作者(author):Mark Wolfinger
. X" D7 X1 w- \2 r出版社(publisher):Wiley
5 Z- X% \- _) U& m1 V* a5 ]大小(size):2 MB (2575729 bytes)
% J$ ~/ Y- S; _0 X( O( K格式(extension):pdf" ]. I1 u, t7 f; q4 A6 b, V! ?
注意:如果文件下载解压完成后为无法打开的格式,请修改后缀名为格式对应后缀0 X9 z& }% V7 D2 u, b# D

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This book covers the basics of this strategy very well; however it contains way too much filler information, and not enough substance.  The author treats the reader as a novice to the market; but in reality no stock market novice would even begin to understand this strategy - therefore the author misses his target audience!  2 u# X2 u6 [1 h5 j3 }2 c! ]9 [; z. ]
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+ m( u1 t/ x6 L4 L$ O* vIn my opinion, it is good entry entry-level reading for the market beginner who wants to understand the basics of a hedge fund; however it is not for the seasoned trader demanding greater insight in to a leading-edge strategy.
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