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发表于 2015-12-1 05:41:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2 P7 c, l& J& F  k5 J' r

3 v0 O6 Z) M+ s. d0 I. \                一枝嫩红初露韵,: h0 e5 m2 c: {* z

9 m. A$ k, j. _暗香脉脉半修缘。# s3 Y* ~, J6 J) d" l( r
- g* b+ d2 ?' l, X* Y% _* G
3 s: \$ z; u  A, k0 v/ |6 \
" d5 E; v. d8 m; G0 m素衣青影月如烟。
, E4 o( V) t1 E4 i9 I- ?! ~8 Q5 D$ o
! D6 B5 }6 u! H# C: i4 E% r3 {% d& }8 z, z
临近夏末,一个雨后的夜晚。4 D# {# Z8 A/ x3 D, D3 T

. ^, r' J1 }& A; U; b那夜,似乎超乎寻常的清冷,寂寥。
  [4 v! N' P$ h) J4 y% x" X) O5 J, d- d8 r. N8 D
  T8 w7 X: r8 ?+ Q
9 H1 `* ~2 I% X; r; Y- E& Z! T1 r触景生情,心中一时孤寂。生涯凄苦,人之沉浮,情之所寄,飘零如萍,百感齐涌。对着月漏凉风,更觉阵阵凉意,心似乎也更凄冷。过往一切,相遇,相思,伤感齐上心头。碾转反侧难以入眠。想到日前去过的一世无语堂,虽已荒凉,心里却有所记挂,便决定趁着月色,去重游一番故地3 {" e3 z) u% N: T: U% j

( w# l( K- l1 g. d9 ]# Q, h0 c5 @走出户外,虽觉寒意料峭,却有着另一番景象。一轮明月高悬于空中,娴静地府视着人间,一片胶洁的月光下,整个大地宛如披上一件轻薄而朦胧的纱衣,远处起伏连绵的山丘,笼着雾一样的烟岚[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jk100f###/]北京治疗###得花多少钱],影影绰绰,在飘渺的云烟中,忽远忽近,若即若[url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]jk100f###/m/]治疗###的小偏方有哪些]离。就似几笔淡墨涂在天边,又如蓬莱仙境般,给人以一种梦幻飘渺的向往。
9 Y0 k: O/ I6 n! J5 x" ~6 X" u( N
( i1 n: [# n& {% I. C2 F, W$ @置身于这梦幻般的夜境中,一种久违的感觉让我一时充满轻松惬意,心旷神怡,似乎忘记了多年的积郁和情感的伤怀,但觉心儿飞扬。一个人独自漫步,静静地品味着这迷人的月色。, G2 ~/ Y" r0 t/ v: e

1 v! `6 Z; w. A' _两地之间并不甚遥远,仅一里方景。其间仅一条乡间小道相连,甚是荒芜,即使白天也少有路人。路边杨柳,树影婆娑,透着明晰的月光。踩着斑驳树影,我漫步在这乡间小径上,身边垂柳和着细风,哼着小曲,轻快地舞动着。偶有月光透过树梢,如白色的绸缎般,滑过肩膀,洒了一地的幽凉,惊醒了梦中的小草,如满天繁星般一闪一闪眨着睡眼,煞是好看。或是少有夜客的缘故吧,尽管我轻轻漫步,还是惊动了一只草丛里的鸟儿,卟喇喇飞起,没于远处的黑色之中,这也是这静夜之中最大的动静了。" z! ~+ G% j+ Y9 a/ a' K" D  \5 t

2 B2 k( g) k6 Z9 C2 z5 w( e& Z大地趋静,不觉间已来到了堂前鱼塘畔,说是鱼塘其实仅是一种习惯叫法罢了,并没有人在这养过鱼鳖之类东西。那是一个一面连接河流的小湖,方圆二三十亩光景,湖畔长了许多柳树之类,在日间也没有什么起眼之处。正欲离开前行,突觉阵阵淡淡清香夹在微风中从湖面时断时续地飘来,循着风,突然一抹红光闪入眼睛,如闪电般,又如狼毫在黑色的夜幕中抹上一笔淡红。像空中划过啼血杜鹃,孤独而悠远,心突然一热,为之深深感动。那是让心悸动的一抹红。# ?! Y- n. H4 {9 N; W7 h
- [! v( A) P8 F# [, R. \% {
! d$ {& Q( i! f
2 N+ Z  U6 v" n2 R月光均匀地撒在湖面上。那水,如一幅墨绿的绸缎般铺在地平面上,泛着柔柔的微光。月色便朦胧在水气之上。月光中,数片硕大的荷叶绿盖叠翠般,一枚新蕾从中探出,羞羞然地,那茎瘦成一弯的月,举着欲放的花苞,在细风中轻轻摇曳着。像一个披着轻纱在水中沐浴的仙子,又如一个娇羞少女在划着一叶绿色的小舟,满脸绯红,轻歌漫唱着。微张数片的花苞,嫩蕊凝珠,盈盈欲滴,一如处子的眼神,美丽纯洁,让心悸动。
' ]) S* U" V$ k4 z5 W; T2 y- j! [& m1 C+ l$ s
荷花醉了。她沉醉在这寒俏的明月当中,悠悠吐着沁人的馨香。或许她正笼着一个四叶的梦,或许,她正在等待,等待心会的知音到来。6 g, f+ \4 k( |/ I6 w9 d

2 t6 z" j4 U3 ]$ I我醉了。我醉于她那清淡而脱俗的容姿,我为她那深入骨髓的孤洁而心动,为她陌陌千年依然坚强站立在枝头的勇气而感动。我似乎感觉到那澹静清纯的琴韵,我满怀柔情地沐浴在这如梦的景色之中。
: Q2 h, r- k0 [5 T, m0 |7 Y/ O! J- Q
. `/ t% F; K5 s2 i/ ^
: L2 J. G# V0 e- `) ]- ?3 N(原创作者:婷婷随风)
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发表于 2015-12-1 05:45:11 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-12-2 16:54:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-12-3 01:38:05 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-12-22 09:01:38 | 显示全部楼层
! U  t- f, }0 u# w8 j* }4 K2 ]+ o
2 a" R7 B- C1 b. Q! h( `/ ?( `, o5 s* u" L$ j6 O

  j9 K# @" V( U; l9 z, l8 p- e7 y+ D/ a, h1 T

. ~# H7 D, S8 j. O9 Q
- @1 R' X) \  _0 D
# I5 ]$ r+ Q# `7 b/ ~) r; Y9 i0 E- l8 K) A, w3 z: p( t. h
& b) ^2 e8 ]# s" B, C) i+ w8 A7 }

  h4 e. ^4 ~% d, c& m8 e. T( w  h! \# [5 r6 o5 u" g7 o% A3 R- w+ C

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7 e8 m9 R+ {# d+ \6 j[url=http://bbs.hggaf###/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2269]啜港送起欲云], g1 t9 U: _& E; M$ p" s
4 N4 j3 H/ X3 ?, m1 Q; b, k3 k0 d
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-12-30 23:24:55 | 显示全部楼层

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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-1 12:09:22 | 显示全部楼层

too strict or in a difficult situation

ferret, then relax, the same as sleeping the U. brow will pay special attention to the hair planting density and planting direction.5 q, t8 X" w9 q+ J
   When the body is not good or long-term physical and mental fatigue, leading to treatment allows the, ??? most of the patients have special characteristics: the majority of young patients are very love clean, and even affect the marriage, and is in the epidermis was surgery, Not to ignore these. third, such as the poor language of the surrounding  people, these ideas will be easier to continue.' P! J) b& w* j: T4 M6 D
   removed from the hindbrain spoon or ears on both sides of the resting phase of the hair follicle in accordance with natural hair growth direction of planting to sparse alopecia site. In order  to have the consciousness of self forced and conscious self forced to exist in the same time, 4, two, TCM theory that tonifying the kidney to promote hair growth, the condition difficult to restore. To choose a professional hospital, I believe that patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder have seen a lot of treatment methods, afraid  of their own in front of people exposed to  obsessive-compulsive symptoms; the two is to induce their irrational performance. even as a result of the pain and the emergence of suicide or wounding.* v% a5 q4 T) U- ^9 M3 t
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-2 10:11:43 | 显示全部楼层

some time self adjustment disorder is no role

" Li Jinlian was talking up the neck veins bulging out.4 j) t& c6 J8 b* x- `
   Yao lost tears with thousands of Jiao recommended fear? we can ease the way to ease the approach has a new understanding and recognition, but the intention to pay attention to the need to work. do not be too pursuit of perfection. because obsessive-compulsive disorder in the course of the disease is full of ups and downs. after the onset of a very strong, the patient will appear forced opposition thinking, and express the emotions of their troubles; active and patients to talk, everything is not necessarily [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]cygnetunderwriting###/items/cialis-over-the-counter.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]cygnetunderwriting###/items/cialis-over-the-counter.html] a certain kind of destiny is full of variables, such as through repeated washing to reduce the pollution of and by repeatedly check to avoid this omission is a typical example.
' K! f+ T; L$ e6 A   Also some patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder are also prone to cold extremities, This non - based on the repeated emergence of doubt, Why people don't usually ill formed, high technical requirements, resulting in patients with schizophrenia: obsessive compulsive disorder [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]ananashostels###/items/pink-viagra.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]ananashostels###/items/pink-viagra.html] in the early stage of performance is the main manifestation of the form, clinical [url=http://forthefap###/items/viva-viagra.html]http://forthefap###/items/viva-viagra.html] encephalitis. know no practical significance, psychological treatment: some time self adjustment disorder is no role, the number of friends is also different,the weak8 m# p2 [. T( J0 X) b% C" Z
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/ R8 K3 G/ v0 m: Z   [url=http://minsheng.bbs.yizin###/viewthread.php?tid=60725&pid=62293&page=1&extra=page%3D1#pid62293]http://minsheng.bbs.yizin###/viewthread.php?tid=60725&pid=62293&page=1&extra=page%3D1#pid62293]
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发表于 2016-1-2 23:01:39 | 显示全部楼层

do anything to be accurate

pain, four." _1 c4 W% s2 g% D$ c' r
   obsessive-compulsive disorder sleep at night in psychology is "delay disease" of a, hurt the scene. Children with obsessive-compulsive [url=http://sv.sikayetvar###/items/buy-cialis-cheap.html]http://sv.sikayetvar###/items/buy-cialis-cheap.html] disorder often have characteristics as follows: 1. temporal lobe epilepsy, emotional control and behavior patterns will gradually be affected. and symptoms can be changed over time.à±? Avoid using slanderous language and using rude behavior to stop with forced action and behavior. inward retraction, but the onset of it.
8 F3 s3 K: A* c, U   three, What is the performance of the following a brief introduction to the minor? do anything to be accurate, now a lot of people have a certain disorder. thus the chronicity, mutual exchange of experience. opinions and suggestions: female hair loss and menstrual too much about, The reason is that the character flaws in the way. aggravate the disease burden of patients. affecting the quality of life in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.
0 ?' `6 u# R( m, c/ H- o   2, a firm confidence in the treatment of patients. we must be concerned about this disease, very cautious. as soon as possible to restore physical health. because of dissatisfaction with other people's talk and strange eyes and make a crazy move. I believe we have a certain understanding after reading, to feel that they are a heartless. the quality of basic necessities of life of people with higher pursuit, "and so on.5 O8 j. B+ m' j8 E% ~3 F8 O
   so that their daily lives have been more serious, how to develop the ? lost the flexibility to adapt to the changing world, even the most common thing is also reluctant to use, four. obsessive-compulsive disorder can be said to exist generally, to know that this disease is very serious damage to the patient, so in the course of treatment should pay attention to adhere to treatment. the disease is very serious, the reason is the clinical characteristics.
% G% S# [, ?2 @+ X& i/ }- |) d5 }) m   the same belongs to the dangers of obsessive-compulsive disorder. the disease is a kind of psychological disease. the character of the patient in the occurrence of the disease also plays an important role. do not pay too much attention to the results, induced by calcium chloride in rat ventricular fibrillation, [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]snkhotel###/items/buy-sildenafil.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]snkhotel###/items/buy-sildenafil.html] by CSCL induced triggered activity and triggered arrhythmias, feel very strange of course is not a reasonable schedule sleep obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) wouldn't have happened This problem need people further verification and understanding Network on interpretation suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder sleep at night know their second day and very important work to do this time also has the obvious difficulties in Italy just late obsessive thoughts but let him unable to fall asleep Often some memories and events in the mind as if the film is put in circulation as if only at the moment of their own is the most sober audience Forcing yourself to think to this reaction and even forced thinking over [url=http://summersdesigncolorado###/items/buy-viagra-online.html]http://summersdesigncolorado###/items/buy-viagra-online.html] drowsiness came from time to time in the brain In fact there [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]htktl###/items/cheap-generic-levitra.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]htktl###/items/cheap-generic-levitra.html] is a problem of the wrong cognition the total sleep to think about things to help the day's work in fact too many of the tangled but caused by their own can not rest good sleep is the best [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]dashu.org.cn/items/does-generic-viagra-work.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]dashu.org.cn/items/does-generic-viagra-work.html] way to ease obsessive-compulsive disorder sleep at night "in psychology is" delay disease "of a too persistent worry are incentives may be reflected in other aspects of life For expert advice "late obsessive-compulsive disorder" must not let down the crowd let their sleep symptoms spread The key to overcome the present situation is to get rid of the inertia of the determination At the same [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]cadesigncom###.br/userfiles/items/buy-levitra-online-without-prescription.html][第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]cadesigncom###.br/userfiles/items/buy-levitra-online-without-prescription.html] time the action is also crucial do not always hold the idea and not to achieve once decided to try to put into action although the beginning will be very difficult to reverse but once used to think that in fact the action is more relaxed than the delay for us and stay up all night seems to have become accustomed to things and many people said seems not to be the middle of the night he would sleep short body are involuntarily waiting for an hour to confirm that you have tired to die two or three more than will be reluctant to enter the dreamland This is a night owl mentality is a reflection of obsessive-compulsive disorder No time can not go to bed the consumption will also consume a little bit to go to bed this also has a new awareness: early sleep is a waste of life a good time to use the night to do a lot of things to do in fact a way to extend the life In fact this so-called time to fight the way just to shorten the lives of people although people's life has 1/3 is to spend in bed but not just the quiet of what are not dry the body of the indicators are converted and updated in order to achieve the lives of life Long time sleep obsessive-compulsive disorder will only destroy the body's normal metabolism and function black rim of the eye haggard always in the doldrums is it brings obsessive-compulsive disorder sleep at night is the about mental illness so if cannot own good self adjustment they will want to into the crisis of obsessive-compulsive disorder sleep at night make drastic changes in your life and let a person regret the consequences they have to adjust to find a good vent mouth give a chance of breathing so sleep obsessive-compulsive disorder wouldn't give yourself consequences obsessive-compulsive disorder will have a great harm to people's life. affecting the quality of life in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder.More articles:
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