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发表于 2019-6-13 00:45:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
7 u! y, J3 w4 |

2 ]3 t' c; Z+ `9 D3 D' D

* l  {8 |' Y6 i
/ t6 o* k# Q; P7 j1 O

3 F" S; M7 b1 E8 n9 c! ]( v很多移民澳洲的客户不停有问怎样去盘算入籍时间,下面为各人遍及一下:( B) l: ~: L- k
- Residence requirement
% p5 J, y* s  ]* c: g; B. _9 H  E' P- ]# p- 移民法中入籍要求
4 G1 G9 g+ o! ]  G) r8 t3 ?1 x% q5 X
(1) Subject to this section, for the purposes of section 21 a person satisfies the residence requirement if:" Q5 L0 u7 b- D) j

3 e; ?$ N, h. J2 U, f8 t(a) the person was present in Australia for the period of 4 years immediately before the day the person made the application;and
) ]% b. c5 }& ~& w" ?+ z& E申请前4年待在澳洲5 V* ~0 j6 Y, W8 e/ [6 D! ]

1 v6 o- V3 ?3 s  ^(b) the person was not present in Australia as an unlawful non-citizen at any time during that 4 year period;and
( R0 b5 D- f% ~- s- r6 ~, f# ]4年里须要持有有用签证
: b/ z5 B  y: u  i% f" v" B/ _6 ?
(c) the person was present in Australia as a permanent resident for the period of 12 months immediately before the day the person made the application.
" h+ N" R' j& h$ _# G5 i/ Y申请前12个月必须是PR9 E  D( ?, P, }

" N/ }. N! p& R- Overseas absences
7 K% U3 }$ Z, e9 Z) C! u- 返国时间( _& q, {+ s% p- F( x( S
2 Z9 Q0 N" h1 E% w5 Z/ X
(1A) If:4 x, u& [( Z) ?
) N: W# X  m, k
(a) the person was absent from Australia for a part of the period of 4 years immediately before the day the person made the application; and
/ _6 A9 W1 f9 v# ?6 P' o
# o5 S* s9 f9 {. w( O! N# j(b) the total period of the absence or absences was not more than 12 months;. O4 a: w3 o1 k( W3 m% I3 d

2 I" R1 o' {) J' g7 {9 ~+ y* \申请前4年离开澳洲的时间总计不能高出12个月(才符合待满澳洲4年的条件)( U$ p& E0 n. |7 }3 N7 ]
9 x0 t5 Z+ ?  C% u; w; {
then, for the purposes of paragraph (1)(a), the person is taken to have been present in Australia during each period of absence.
# x) M4 j: L, s* x) D9 ?2 u在(1)(a)的界说中,须要符合以下条件,则可以把申请人(在4年内)离开澳洲的时间也算做居住在澳洲。/ [8 L9 U, q  Q* U# G3 W$ A7 L) c( |

+ K- l! M4 a; S6 w" ?(1B) If:
5 I/ c( D' D8 W: S, b7 B( N8 y, u: f0 B" w/ P5 u+ A, ^
(a) the person was absent from Australia for a part of the period of 12 months immediately before the day the person made the application; and: n, r+ W  w+ w. `

6 g: K  h) @5 N- }- b(b) the total period of the absence or absences was not more than 3 months; and; N8 }- t/ `8 W+ ?$ s5 o' M$ f3 I
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