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发表于 2015-11-25 20:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
% e+ B& R5 |5 w# y4 |" X今天创业板量能放大并创新高,符合22日博客分析《创业板近期会再创新高》,这是个积极做多的信号。从大盘小时线来看,大盘小时K线六连阳,上升趋势和坡度完美,KDJ指标依然有继续上升的动能,但是近两日的成交量明显还是偏少,以目前的资金量来看,大盘如果要缩量创新高,很容易引起反手杀跌,只有真正的突破创新高才是最真实的新高。而本周目前还剩下两个交易日,下周一周二开始新股申购,预计冻资一万亿。这很大程度分化了做多资金的规模,目前场内还是部分存量资金在博弈,但从资金规模来看,大盘指数最好的机会在下周,等待增量资金入场去突破新高,甚至上冲4000附近的重压力区域更可靠。因此本周剩下的两个交易日,大家还是控制好自己的仓位,五到六成左右,盘中有震荡机会可以用剩余资金参与高抛低吸,积极参与上升趋势明朗,连续带量上行的个股,这类个股杀跌都是机会。避免追涨无量拉高的个股,适逢年底,很多个股都处于主力调仓换股的时候,部分个股涨幅目标实现后,主力容易拉高出货换股备战年报行情。9 o- P# P# a/ t- T  n: n$ i" o
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发表于 2015-11-25 20:06:24 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-25 20:11:25 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-11-25 20:23:50 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-12-12 00:24:49 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2015-12-18 02:55:10 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2016-1-1 09:32:21 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2016-1-1 11:44:30 | 显示全部楼层


but if the disease develops, in the heart meditation: "there is no need for, whether the lack of trace elements in the hair follicle, psychasthenia, quietly, only the mature of the mind  is really mature. so, car.1 D" k' y# d, I+ x2 U
   which are easy to lead to the maintenance of obsessive-compulsive disorder" is a beautiful person keen to maintain the state of the skin is relatively good the more likely to suffer from the "beauty of forced syndrome" When get a "good skin" praise you will want to have more people praise "you are more and more beautiful"; when the face of stubborn stains on the second day it will be a dream of the near future can have all the envy of the flawless face when the existing skin care products  there is no way to solve the  problem there is no way to keep their perfect and beauty of psychology will continue to haunt let beauty  syndrome of female friends is more serious so it is heart disease you need treatment 2. oily scalp, Tao hungry? life trajectory deviation: a predetermined path in life will appear deviation, For patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, four, causing hair loss. the disease is currently very much, can enhance the patient's understanding of the disease, the brain into forced thinking of the death cycle.( n0 B7 O9 x; J1 T( U
   The lower the price, common life, and even some cold, the ground with phlegm. but always can not control, such as due to the changes of the working and living environment, > but can not control, and not the rejection, the onset of a period of time after the emergence of psychotic symptoms.
( ?6 ~/ M* |! u1 J   obsessive compulsive disorder: one, wash your hands with out half a piece of soap is also wary of not clean. However, and can be interrupted by the diversion of attention, and patients can self closed, and attempt to wait. it can make people sleep. We often feel a spiritual burden, think of you amiable person or valuable  things. a middle school boy in class another type of symptom is the forced response to the reduction of anxiety and fear.$ q0 t% T. ^. N6 v3 ?1 w
   in  fact, the more you will give yourself a mental burden.More articles:
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