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发表于 2020-2-18 07:57:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
比特币必了解,因为到了9500! m( X! s; H& \7 f8 W
1 v; l2 g3 ]$ [5 E+ t

: E  D: W* V6 s, W1 o, e3 lBTC:从日线价格通道可以看到,、已经接近下轨的支撑
% V0 H" M4 z; p, }( a# z9 I; qBTC: can be seen from the daily price channel, which is close to the support of the lower rail.
" r5 `; T1 ~( J; K- W# \7 g: n) l% Z
* v' ~" {* r3 P4 H; o& dAnd the limit value of 9500 points is difficult to type out, that is to say, the price of the big cake is about to come out.
- w$ x" W# i& n' r+ m
  @# S% m, M$ l+ y2 ~' n弹的区间整理。另外观察一下,这波大跌中大饼除了幅0 L& y( n$ @! ?: B" u% V; Z
The interval of the play. In addition, take a look at this wave of falling medium and big cakes in addition to the amplitude.
) n- t$ R8 R1 j% a. K1 `; y
& v; Y3 S& a7 B- c较小,点位的支撑也比较明显,9500-9600点一线就是如
6 E/ D1 x& N  T, _4 Q5 pSmall, the support of the point is also more obvious, 9500 ≤ 9600 points in the first line is as follows7 A) ~; P, j$ ~5 k5 O

0 z$ q0 `- H/ Y此。当前市值占比依旧可以把大饼视为大盘行情的风向/ G9 i) B) {2 A/ t& J$ T+ `
Here. At present, the proportion of market value can still be regarded as the trend of the market market.
& b3 d4 u: F/ k* {  C) j" d
) I2 s. _2 d( Q8 Q6 Z! O,可以关注后面几天大饼的价格走势。由于这一轮各币& K+ I8 R" X9 q, N
You can pay attention to the price trend of big cakes in the next few days Because of this round of coins,9 g2 V' q( M# B0 F# c, w9 M! g

7 C/ h5 d( ^" j) ?. g3 p1 ~! `的拉升杠杆使用非常充分,所以在下跌过程造成踩踏是% A3 }1 A5 u. k7 |2 K& C/ E
The pull-up lever is fully used, so the stampede caused by the fall process is2 ?; i' r1 Z" b, z
4 t/ H  Z! H* q  j. n8 S5 P
5 C  V! e+ t1 @) J$ b* uTo understand, after all, a lot of people in this round may not understand the rules of the contract.9 w# t  |' R9 d. m

5 i  h. m' Y( g- Z9 e0 }& O9 T# B; P* L忙入场了。XRP:正当XRP的主力准备干一番时,遇到
1 N5 c( J; F, u* ~I'm busy getting in. XRP:, when the main force of XRP was ready to do something, he met
6 g. M3 G/ H% @  `$ j" u9 Q
' U7 H. K. M  }( d; B( N# h盘回调,有心无力,这也是一直不建议大家大资金关注弱
+ o4 D. K4 O# W+ U. }The market correction is powerless, which has not been suggested that everyone should pay attention to weakness with large funds.
+ t+ ]8 ?' \; x; E! I: n* j' K
7 S% F! {1 a+ u# B5 }2 H( g) L% aOne of the reasons for the potential currency is that it is easy to miss a wave of the market. Did you do it at ETH:270?5 S$ y! S( Y2 U
* Y/ P$ W& Q; e+ _
- }5 r' Q2 o& u. y+ T' g2 QStand firm, turn to 250 points concussion, look at the Japanese line is still in place after the correction after rising. s' B8 p5 c( ?0 e2 G
: p" `' `' W& u* ]+ }6 _2 d9 k
趋势,建议短期资金在230-250区间打入。BCH: 400
5 _- a9 K- U; g3 R  cTrend, it is recommended that short-term funds be entered in the 230 / 250 range. BCH: 400' S7 ~! i$ r, `" M/ C
. S# |: y5 u7 D$ ^( ^' l4 |% l
: C  ^, M# Y' uThe support of the Japanese line entered the lower half of Brin channel, and it was biased in the short term.- r3 n9 E% @( x, d5 A7 F9 a
, q, j/ z1 [+ o9 @$ z
,预计会有反抽行情,上方压力420点。BSV:和BCH走  I! U' [- _( S3 w% Q+ ?, r+ {0 l
It is expected that there will be a reverse pumping market, 比特币必了解,因为到了9500BTC:从日线价格通道可以看到-1.jpg
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