《星际争霸2》第42批关于刺蛇 战列舰问题问答|游戏攻略|游戏秘籍|私募基金网生活频道资讯站

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N)QaJ V M0《星际争霸2》第42批关于刺蛇 战列舰问题问答私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cnlnSb3O U#cs

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1. What was the main reasoning to shifting the Hydralisk backwards one technology level? How does this affect the Zerg early-game, especially since the Zerg will have absolutely no anti-air units before the Hydralisks? (gamereplays.org)私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cn&iHRs:M*`q

/X@H@7_g4k(\J01.让刺蛇的科技位置提升的主要原因是什么??这对虫族的早期有什么影响??尤其是虫族在刺蛇出现之前都没有对空单位!私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cn2ZL C8g q1tQ

私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cn2B f H;D7Rt b"n3Z*A

Actually, the Hydralisk has been brought back down to Tier 1.5, giving Zerg early anti-air capabilities without upgrading their Hatchery to a Lair. The test originally was to put Hydralisks at a later tech and have Corruptors be buildable earlier without a prerequisite building other than upgrading to the Lair. To make this happen, the Corruptors had to be nerfed appropriately to fit that tech, which made it very weak and much less fun. Additionally, without a prerequisite building, opposing players could not scout the Zerg player to see when they were going air, which did not fit the gameplay style we were shooting for.私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cnM5_i X9B#T2r7kS

私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cnw['s@3h ~8t;I

事实上;刺蛇已经重新降回1.5级科技位置上;让虫族在不需要升级主基地的情况下能更早具有对空能力!之前的测试是把刺蛇放到科技术更后边的位置;并让堕落者更早地建造出来!堕落者不需要前提建筑;只需要升级到二本基地!而要这样调整的话;就必须要适当地削弱堕落者;让堕落者更适合呆在那个位置;结果导致堕落者太弱而且也没那么有趣!此外;没有前提建筑的话;敌方玩家就没有办法侦察到虫族选手到底什么时候开始转型空军;这并不是我们想要的游戏风格!私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cnC8vJ!w4oF'v

私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cnwB,d wc;j

2. What kinds of cheats will be included in Starcraft 2, and how will they be accessed/unlocked? (starcraft.org)私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cnFwo2c:m#L[g#n"R

y)C1o![.y ]02.星际争霸2里头会包含有什么样的秘技??要如何使用呢??

:?)qh%^8H`0 私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cn1Y u'yi2D*[/E2~

There will be cheats, but you wont know what they are from us :) sorry.

&Dv%lDBmh/u0 私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cnMa6zB2pbB O0?H


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3. Concerning resources there is one big issue for mapmakers: There are only two of them. For many UMS-maps you need more different resource-types than gas and minerals, thus mapmakers were forced to use even civilians as a sort of resource. So will mapmakers be able to place their one, gather-able resources on the map such as lumber or gold? (starcraft2.4players.de)

{:av9~C0 私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cn8?*M)i~V*AA


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0v]8J"Hl D0Yes, we have recently added support for one additional custom resource type. Additional custom resources types may be implemented in the future, but there are no plans at the moment.

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"Mm'K kT%f04. With the Battlecruiser's new ability dealing splash damage to lightly armored air units, you could fear that the Thor has once more fallen into a role void. Is this the case or are the Battlecruiser ability and the Thor's anti-air capabilities tactically different enough? (Gamereplays.org)

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4.战列舰现在有了强劲的对空范围攻击技能来对抗小型轻甲单位;大家都应该担心一下雷神是否会因此在此陷入无用角色的定位当中!战列舰和雷神的对空攻击是否真的有足够的区别??→『www.simu001.cn』 →『www.simu001.cn』 『www.simu001.cn』

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