
热度18票  浏览33次 【共0条评论】【我要评论 时间:2009年11月11日 18:33
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by sT]Yoda

BElk9b"k#?"mM0 私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cnX||!S.s&Yv

引用:Anyone know what different types there are/will be in sc2?私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cn/k*^~-lf$L$SQ B S+W

m@1yvgj0Will there be 'fortified armor' for buildings?

3l8N!Y [ L"o?)l0 私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cnV&o$n1i7U'hJX



Pu0t8h8iz\+L(?0by Karune私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cn8b u#}:gb7dg C

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e(w+R0Yn6}0 私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cnTxMRO:f#Y

At the moment, there is 'light' and 'armored' armor classes. Buildings also fall under the 'armored' armor class.

:kd5h c/F-QA#O)z0 私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cn&MA)i`&K&dY:W;wK

Attacks on the other hand are a bit more varied. There is bonus damage towards, 'light, armored, biological, and massive.' Knowing a unit's damage bonuses will be very important in knowing what to use to counter certain units.

ew't3{+W.R G"i0 私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cneK#Rp1c

现在;只有“轻型”和“重甲”两种等级!建筑用的是“重甲”私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cn7k%Y'g,KoN5z.D&Aeo

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w(h?1W!B"N'X0 私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cnt._gp-^|t"b}k F

by CommunitySC

7V*T9}ig W$cL0 私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cn0ul*{&jK"P-i a(`

引用:What do biological and massive mean? As in what defines these types?

Qf-J8i a*Ui,q0 私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cn X P,]b#E b.E


?@ o$~u~1~]g1S0 私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cn6?` v)Q"C

by Karune


m0b k*Z1dP0引用:Biological units usually just mean they are not mechanical. Marines, Zerglings, and Zealots are biological. Non-biological units does not however mean they fall under the 'armored' class though and vice-versa.私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cn;uF:q\^

fuirYRr0For instance, Marauders are biological units but are armored. Nullifiers are mechanical units, but have light armor. Ultralisks, would fall under massive, biological, and armored. Though Battlecruisers would be massive, mechanical, and armored. These new categories also allow for many more soft counters in the game as well, giving slight bonuses to units against a certain type, but not have it as an overwhelming hard counter, where one unit wins the game easily.


S/j0RN%vWc(MA0生物型单位通常就是非机械的!Marines;Zerglings;还有Zealots都是生物型的!非生物型的单位也并不意味着她们一定是重甲或说很难对付!私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cnjFy6t&Z)Z6c Ya3e\

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例如;掠夺者是生物型单位;但他是重甲的!废弃者是机械单位;但装备着轻甲!猛犸;属于大型的~生物型的;并且是重甲!而战列巡洋舰则是大型的;机械的;重甲!这些新的分类将使游戏里出现更多样的相克性!每个单位都对另一些单位有少许的加成;但是却不至于成为绝对优势;不会变成单用一个单位就可以轻易取胜的情况!私募社区 - 私募股权投资知识学习网 - www.simu001.cn8|5P0r,]8p5q4BF

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