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9 a* F4 L; S* L+ k# {1 P下载链接: http://www.jiandanmaimai.cn/file/1506444/
3 {- z" i: N+ W) j/ \) x1 J标题(title):Ciba Foundation Symposium 28 - The Structure and Function of Chromatin
  V' W6 S) D3 F; ~, M5 S* `. q) ?% Z汽巴基金会研讨会28-染色质的结构和功能
+ |: E2 q2 }5 A$ I6 @, T0 {9 F/ _8 q9 X  r8 h7 Z9 Y

$ q7 v1 }8 y" b. |0 S) F* K1 L作者(author):& I) P2 C  s% W# p# n+ [7 E
出版社(publisher):Ciba Foundation
4 Z' q2 X' \. g; W! W3 O( }; `大小(size):8 MB (8#49977 bytes)
4 }9 m" E" D  L/ e  V9 G格式(extension):pdf
' T5 B/ e# P+ x2 Z6 f- m+ C注意:如果文件下载解压完成后为无法打开的格式,请修改后缀名为格式对应后缀
0 n* E3 f; z" r6 `6 ~3 a  _. }  ^内容:
+ L, M, Y5 y( `第一章前言:组蛋白命名法(第1-6页):E.M.Bradbury
4 _3 w% ^! ~5 `/ e: e第二章导言(第5-6页):E.L.史密斯% F4 s- E% T. I& s$ d
第三章电子显微镜下的染色细胞结构(第7-28页):Hans Ris
9 Q9 w& y" {* m0 N$ x0 f第四章染色质的模板活性(第29-57页):G.Felsenfeld,R.Axel,H.Cedar和B.Sollner?韦伯, K! ^: ]6 M" |  n
第5章组蛋白功能和进化的序列研究(第59-76页):罗伯特J.德兰格和埃米尔L.史密斯; ?, P1 r7 V- d, D% P
$ R" q3 a* F* u第7章与组蛋白相关的染色体蛋白质(第95-112页):E.W.Johns、G.H.Goodwin、J.M.Walker和C.Sanders5 C# ^* x6 O: {  [, r0 @6 [
# t* M$ \: u- J% r3 O& T' p第九章染色体结构中的组蛋白与细胞分裂的控制(第131-155页):E.M.Bradbury
" r$ [" Z3 E4 z8 x第十章?精子核组蛋白的射线衍射(157-174页):Juan A.Subirana、Luis C.Puigjaner、Josep Roca、Remedios Llopis和Pedro Suau
' B' V, _5 A: C) b8 u第十一章非营利组织的监管作用?RNA合成中的组蛋白(第181-198页):J.Paul和R.S.Gilmour9 L* q1 [8 T5 J
第十二章顺序?非特异性结合DNA?组蛋白及其在基因激活过程中从细胞质到细胞核的迁移(199-228页):Vincent G.Allfrey、Akira Inoue、Jonathan Karn、Edward M.Johnson、Robert A.Good和John W.Hadden
, O" W& r6 E8 ^. m; u第十三章邮政的生物学作用?碱性核蛋白的合成修饰(229-258页):G.H.Dixon,E.P.M.Candido,B.M.Honda,A.J.Louie,A.R.Macleod和M.T.Sung
8 e! O9 J- f( x7 {! ]第14章细胞周期中组蛋白的微修饰(259-267页):Margery G.Ord和Lloyd A.Stocken
9 i$ e2 L9 x5 K% D+ G+ h# u第15章刺激增殖的W1#8细胞染色质结构和功能的变化(第269-289页):Renato Baserga、Bernd Bombik和Claudio Nicolini/ D' i, Y. y4 V5 I
第16章组蛋白复合物沿染色体纤维的排列(第291-313页):Harold Weintraub、Frederick Van Lente和Richard Blumenthal
5 L% W1 ]# z% h' ^- Q+ P' R第17章高等生物基因表达的调控:如何运作(315-351页):詹姆斯邦纳4 l3 t4 S7 e1 b5 P
. S( P/ M0 }- @  z! d
% L3 j* ]3 Q4 A# P  E1 K

# }1 l" [  t$ r1 U6 k' U+ o6 b, q& D, Z  y' ^4 v. o% ?

* J1 _1 S6 _" A0 }3 |' C6 ?- j( G9 ]. I, q8 W
Content: $ X# {' f& w  D/ L4 F4 `
Chapter 1 Foreword: Histone Nomenclature (pages 1–6): E. M. Bradbury
5 p( r+ ]- {" |$ x5 @( OChapter 2 Introduction (pages 5–6): E. L. Smith
  ], ~+ t9 ]: g3 ^& {! d) h' i/ J) ^Chapter 3 Chromosornal Structure as Seen by Electron Microscopy (pages 7–28): Hans Ris8 J3 @4 X1 I9 p! G  D- C
Chapter 4 The Specific Template Activity of Chromatin (pages 29–57): G. Felsenfeld, R. Axel, H. Cedar and B. Sollner?Webb
  `% _( |' ]# t) WChapter 5 Histone Function and Evolution as Viewed by Sequence Studies (pages 59–76): Robert J. Delange and Emil L. Smith
  h& g9 R+ A# o$ V8 gChapter 6 Structure of Histone H2A (Histone ALK, IIbl or F2a2) (pages 77–93): P. Sautiere, D. Wouters?Tyrou, B. Laine and G. Biserte
8 h. E& {6 o! I6 `5 w0 c6 MChapter 7 Chromosomal Proteins Related to Histones (pages 95–112): E. W. Johns, G. H. Goodwin, J. M. Walker and C. Sanders4 W( C* Y5 N, ^" \# V* e
Chapter 8 Chemistry of the Non?Histone Chromosomal Proteins (pages 113–130): Sarah C. R. Elgin and William E. Stumph
+ g( h. L2 Z7 U9 UChapter 9 Histones in Chromosomal Structure and Control of Cell Division (pages 131–155): E. M. Bradbury, _  d3 B$ F3 x5 c
Chapter 10 X?Ray Diffraction of Nucleohistones from Spermatozoa (pages 157–174): Juan A. Subirana, Luis C. Puigjaner, Josep Roca, Remedios Llopis And and Pedro Suau
, I7 s8 S) |. T% c9 PChapter 11 The Regulatory Role of Non?Histone Proteins in RNA Synthesis (pages 181–198): J. Paul and R. S. Gilmour% J) N2 J! B5 ~; E8 h1 ?
Chapter 12 Sequence?Specific Binding of DNA by Non?Histone Proteins and Their Migration from Cytoplasm to Nucleus During Gene Activation (pages 199–228): Vincent G. Allfrey, Akira Inoue, Jonathan Karn, Edward M. Johnson, Robert A. Good and John W. Hadden8 O7 _2 }" C# |* N4 X) q
Chapter 13 The Biological Roles of Post?Synthetic Modifications of Basic Nuclear Proteins (pages 229–258): G. H. Dixon, E. P. M. Candido, B. M. Honda, A. J. Louie, A. R. Macleod and M. T. Sung) a3 F! e1 V2 x* v) L2 C3 r# G% y
Chapter 14 Micromodification of Histone During the Cell Cycle (pages 259–267): Margery G. Ord and Lloyd A. Stocken
1 j7 q" B; \+ ?6 `8 V' V: eChapter 15 Changes in Chromatin Structure and Function in W1#8 Cells Stimulated to Proliferate (pages 269–289): Renato Baserga, Bernd Bombik and Claudio Nicolini+ I; R" p3 C+ ^) |! x# G: Z
Chapter 16 The Arrangement of Histone Complexes Along the Chromosomal Fibre (pages 291–313): Harold Weintraub, Frederick Van Lente and Richard Blumenthal
3 S- v, |7 p+ b+ s( Y; i7 s4 WChapter 17 Regulation of Gene Expression in Higher Organisms: How it All Works (pages 315–351): James Bonner
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