
热搜: 活动 交友 discuz


发表于 2015-10-6 13:50:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  }% j8 V! M; q8 `3 A1 R% T  t
8 }' b' `8 Y% n) \% w1 L
+ G- d; ^, D* w5 z  贾发搞清楚状况后,不动声色地向本报记者求助。
$ Z1 U# c- k. ]  J2 _( H$ G: D/ o( c$ ^0 t3 v$ s
2 z0 |7 }( }. a9 ?6 e  w4 o1 Y% {# k5 M7 e/ U
: @/ A- o2 y5 [8 s* Y4 f
( f- b6 }/ }9 h  昨日上午,南城工商分局前往该公司查处,发现大门紧闭,人去楼空。
6 U1 c# K' e; j: r- P3 c* V& O+ |. Q# C3 W5 H. k' U
  名词解释:: k" e- ?5 h: D) b" C4 J0 Y
8 M. E9 `% K+ u0 O; A; M" r
  私募股权投资(Private Equity,简称PE),是指投资于非上市股权,或者上市公司非公开交易股权的一种投资方式。从投资方式角度看,私募股权投资是指通过私募形式对私有企业,即非上市企业进行的权益性投资,在交易实施过程中附带考虑了将来的退出机制,即通过上市、并购或管理层回购等方式,出售持股获利。私募股权基金起源于19世纪末的美国。
; E0 d" A2 l6 Q6 u; q5 n- y& Q. q: |1 @- O  [: R/ G
7 c" ?( P/ |$ q# V2 U
: ]- E  D6 f) X- Y6 p  S  骗术揭秘
, R7 T- S% n* H9 H+ t% F$ T5 Q% Q1 ~' w9 o' @: [; c5 v) G
  “星级投资”,最低7000元9 p+ u% k7 H9 L! P
  }/ j) S0 D1 d
  一星:1000美元(7000元人民币)3 a1 q6 S% T  U. ~8 b3 m

6 b, m. i! v: S' a2 ~  W  二星:5000美元(35000元人民币)) _0 C8 a/ r0 @7 L5 }7 m
( w  {& Q' l6 [0 h2 v* O
  三星:1万美元(70000元人民币)( _- R- o5 ]  k+ K. w$ e( C
& \4 K  R9 f3 j% I$ H
2 z2 ]. Y# v$ o
) t' ^- }1 m& k6 f  五星:10万美元(700000元人民币)- y( K4 C( @% c

1 ^' P. k0 w. {. |% H* X  要想多赚钱就得多拉人投资
2 l7 A( l* H& \# q+ C4 H" w- I+ {8 Q
$ `7 h  e% U% L$ h5 I; v" S  假如你向公司投资了7000元(一星),便可以在外面拉人,如果甲说动乙投资,则甲可以在乙的投资中提取10%作为自己收入。
7 |' R- E0 k. s$ p* e1 N( y2 {# E1 r  P/ z" I+ i+ `% U5 K# h
( l- T# i& S2 }9 K; X6 [; d  L0 j) {  N- E. Z. ]+ c6 w/ B7 \
6 s# N* {8 b7 e' C- y
$ n" x4 ~7 R; ^+ }# w) {* W9 e6 v6 c  具体能提成几代看你第一次的投资多少,都可以谈的,不过若是投资7000块,规矩是只能提成两代。
! u0 X/ C9 k- q# n  S. p! O1 j- V7 L" ?" l, ?
  第一次暗访:时间:8月10日上午" k, O5 }: H6 A8 d% }  P1 P5 s4 d( ~, a

$ W  C9 g" j- T6 b, ]  业务员怪阿发多带了人 “营业执照在美国总部”
2 I- ^; z* b+ t( X' h5 r6 q: O' R+ j8 p( J
  8月10日上午10时许。% |/ Y2 h: j# f5 x% p# |5 E& G$ G

% L  `7 B  g4 s8 U" \1 ]  东莞时报记者在贾发的介绍下,走进了星鹏大厦B座5楼5A房间,记者注意到,门外并未悬挂公司铭牌。5 T8 h# m, z5 F, O- {

6 s& [/ b7 W6 i0 o3 G  光线透过唯一一扇窗户投入略有些黯淡的房间内,约七八个人围着一张长长的办公桌谈话,办公桌中间是一台三星笔记本电脑。
; o) i9 U; v9 Q6 V% b. f( R; _6 D( c7 @8 Q  t4 e# |
( _4 |) |" H* u) O0 Y
% l5 }% D- K8 g7 B; _5 g* h) d  没有固定电话,也没有工商执照的踪影。5 o/ y2 ^! [! A. h( u) x8 r
5 q2 d8 H" r; A) r: f, Q6 Q
, I' I: U6 Z4 n
* d# [# f+ b1 u* ]- b- X# {! [  在记者一行均表明有投资意向时,刘强向记者一行介绍了在场的部分公司人员:杨总、马跃、春姐、李发艺、阿芳。在闲聊中,记者获悉,该公司的老板叫“黄文凯”。, A  D' s" ~2 y$ ~9 X2 Q

' w; q  f9 Y7 E" ]3 C3 p  杨总和马跃是“讲师”的角色,负责给大家讲课;春姐、阿艺、阿芳则是“投资者”与“业务员”的角色。2 }5 o3 X# a2 C

  X4 m% O$ E/ ^6 n% b' e  刘强向本报记者解释了部分疑惑。
' S: G" z, ]% W4 Y
$ S  @% ?1 A; b3 A( V& j, j, X5 M  记者:“你们公司叫什么名字?”" [9 B/ ?3 R7 Y

! q  j3 N0 H) B6 }) ?" o( H9 U( f  刘强:“EFD。”
+ K9 [. ~  K5 I4 r: G
4 b  |7 j( L) C% C  记者:“你们公司总部在哪里?”0 o; R, V' {5 T* q! p& X

9 c8 q2 _2 ^% i) e3 D  刘强:“阿拉斯加,在美国。”
; |/ O, D! P: u! G. D( @- \8 I, S0 I7 k, A9 \9 l
  记者:“没看到营业执照啊?”: g0 d/ q2 w+ ]
1 U$ j/ A; R- c, t3 y3 g/ L0 k0 c8 B
  刘强:“有营业执照,只是在总部那里。”$ B* A3 m; k, L. N3 ?+ b+ U
6 {" w5 R' I& B6 l5 o
  对于“EFD公司”的来历,刘强先问记者:“你知道EFT吗?”9 @& v  X2 r5 ?" j; M
% a' t7 X" M" K5 x. R, h7 B9 p
2 K4 t2 ?3 e6 s8 Y/ t1 U: N  f/ D, x( }2 l& A8 P& a, {* s/ b# X
1 c5 ^5 s7 h5 {7 p  L4 ~
0 ?" |0 p9 A# `5 ?( r' S; P  刘强出示了一本介绍EFD公司及业务的杂志。杂志略旧,毛边极多,上面介绍称,EFD从事的领域包括房地产、黄金开采、酒店建设、旅游开发、承包大型工程等十多项。. K% [# y7 [9 j6 c  B0 `
* R$ s! g( \8 S- E
' D0 p8 m$ j6 e3 a6 Q2 h2 I0 ]# J" t: ?" U. E
# c) G& N1 e! M: h! S9 w8 ]5 h1 [) C$ N: a- {
" j2 n* {% |/ \6 n
7 A6 ?: g' x5 p  不过,酒店和金矿的名字、详细地址刘强并不能向记者提供。记者向刘强索取该份杂志,刘强也予以了拒绝,并解释:“我们这里也只有一本,还是副总裁带过来的,不能给你。”! R4 p/ |6 L8 v- I- T& U
& `& \" I# z# `) b: g# Y0 Q/ b: I
9 B  Q; |3 V7 b) Z0 `! }, {6 V9 X- v
  刘强为记者用电脑播放了几段视频,均为新闻频道或者国家领导人的讲话,内容均为鼓励发展私募股权。5 ^- d! q2 U% U2 o/ ^

9 T8 K- {. q# s; X& i/ H  在播放完毕后,刘强为记者解释了一番什么叫私募股权,并强调其合法性。待记者想要了解其具体运作模式时,因时间已临近中午,遂约定下次再谈。4 e1 T! V5 w) v- @4 y6 I& Y4 K6 C
% J; p! w  A! f2 q- G9 G
6 {8 k' q' g4 k0 ?& ?& f
$ d0 u$ ^3 D5 H! B' Z  接待员称已有数百人投资' C( c& W4 f. i5 w" Z! t. c
) K4 i) r7 O( s6 g) D% `
  最低投资7000元,大多无凭证  t: G% ]. W! q( t4 _
* c" _' S$ T( T) N
7 c; u2 A+ K9 y! e2 }% y7 u- Q) d6 T' p; c6 Z2 [/ k
  连续数次,刘强均表示,第二次谈话地点定在麦当劳或肯德基谈。记者追问原因,刘强含糊其辞。记者遂表示,在公司里谈更为正规,也方便谈话,并坚持该项意见。因此,时间一直拖到了8月14日下午,刘强勉强同意在公司见面。4 T$ R4 P* g/ E" ?/ _/ V

5 X6 t  D* M2 K- k% R4 b  B/ `4 ]  公司内只有刘强和阿芳。
7 ]6 F( r- @' |+ i; x$ o9 M/ A1 I2 `% ]* a* F$ C
  这一次直奔主题,刘强和阿芳介绍,投资EFD的私募股权分五星,一星1000美元,二星5000美元,三星1万美元,四星5万美元,五星10万美元。9 ~* c, X0 M" T) k4 h
; q7 i' V4 v6 F4 @/ }
  人民币对美元的汇率在该项计算中被简单固化:一星即7000元人民币。1 F. q; p) n4 U$ ?" T

% z3 z# A* u5 o+ y) S" s: V  “7000元人民币的投资的赢利点在何处?”4 Y: W1 Z, E2 K

0 U6 P0 o- \& |1 K) X3 \8 l7 L  面对这个问题,阿芳为记者细分:
1 z# Z5 _9 R* h
  v) a+ {: f9 `  10%的投资用于购买EFT的股票,通过散户拉动EFT股值上升获利;
1 y( C% w$ }  @% {2 ?& E( p; g
$ E9 _- b+ ?/ n  50%的投资用于购买EFD的私募股权,并在公司明年上市后获利,该私募股权也在内部交易平台中不断升值,也可交易;
7 F5 X7 l+ J" ~, g% j+ I: F1 f6 ]. F& g  d5 t
) H: O" F; v- s# Z' L, p" O  n  |, t
4 K8 q6 g9 l, C+ m* x: M$ {- r  阿芳说,投资的三种去向是公司的硬性规定,不得更改。
& x1 m8 I$ l* p) D  s
; t  U5 ~! I: Y" F* F0 a8 y  阿芳的介绍着重在用于购买EFD私募股权的获利之丰。“我们是一级市场,股市上的股民玩的是二级市场。”她讲解了一个诱人的故事,“你知道阿里巴巴一个前台的女孩吗,只投资了几千块钱购买阿里巴巴的原始股,等阿里巴巴上市后,身家千万。”( [* A0 d. S5 a4 Z

1 O: E3 O. X# \" L8 J5 Q  获利有多少?2 [5 e1 _) [* ?

3 T6 n  E) A4 E% a) r  刘强肯定地说:“至少3-5倍的回报,投资7000块钱,如果升得快,一年可能就净赚十多万。”
) k# B; k8 s# p& |6 j4 E& D! P7 I% Y" }! R0 x; \! F( t
  然而,记者在咨询是否有股权凭证时,两人均表示,购买EFT的股票将从美国寄回股权凭证,其他的则没有;如果要投资,资金直接打入他们提供的一个账号,或将现金交给他们即可;交易私募股权需进行投资后,公司会提供一个网上投资平台内部交易。2 a9 R; ^+ J: m: ~, v

0 l. @2 O1 ^  z) r4 g6 b7 u  拉一个人投资提成10%,不少是老年人, e3 ]$ _  d( e/ l+ m* d

& h, K0 A( J4 e) t& n  在投资的三个流向中,40%的投资将用于公司推广。
1 y" I9 j& ^: F' ~4 r
7 _/ E! @# z/ Q0 ^  凭什么?
% a* @2 J$ p8 q! t7 u# G1 E& o. [
$ @9 ?8 V# A8 j7 m% W; x, v  刘强表示,想要成为公司的员工,必须是投资者。譬如甲向公司投资了“一星”,便可以在外面拉人,如果甲说动乙投资,则甲可以在乙的投资中提取10%作为自己收入。
! F; X' z: G) K+ ~
+ \5 ]( G6 T; o+ i* [$ z  提成并非到此为止。
  h4 P8 r: u% B
4 Q) g$ b1 D# U  如果乙也拉到了投资者丙,不但乙可以从丙的投资中提取10%为自己所有,甲也可以从丙的投资中提取10%作为自己收入。
: t, `3 n" I' y2 u/ |7 d7 O# U7 U8 a
; @9 }3 W; X% {9 j+ A# M: ~- a0 K- w9 N; ~( `7 k: \
8 B3 r& k# d9 l1 l, ]4 a, i! d& K
: _( @& p5 L7 \( F/ ~6 H  在谈话的过程中,有一位头发花白的老太进来。刘强和阿芳立刻面色大变,提出出去找个店子谈。记者随口问及老太,才知老太是该公司的投资者,投资了7000元,但随后又觉得自己“像是上当了”,因此过来讨还。* c# K& m( R1 P# `% o7 M
( E2 d0 V. V( l, l: B1 p: ]9 @
# b, K' u$ ^, X: H8 v
7 E" J6 o+ \  F! O% D  “其实根本不需要公司场地,只要你投资了,你就可以帮公司拉客人,哪儿谈都一样。”刘强解释。0 j" _. \7 t4 E, e6 E6 U

0 w7 q5 Q# o4 i- a* K' P5 v8 h  工商出击 传销老巢锁门避风
" y  Q% E4 r9 C, `( r
& F/ S3 B- J8 k' N: q0 M) [  南城工商分局称“EFD公司”从事传销活动2 x2 u4 W2 q. A; w5 G8 Q
+ n* u0 {3 f" w, h
  昨日,东莞时报记者就此事联系了市工商局南城分局。南城工商分局在充分了解情况后表示,所谓EFD私募股权公司根本就是传销骗局,拿着一些并不存在的原始股传销,分级代理,发展下线有提成,跟普通传销的模式几乎一样,只不过传销的标的由普通商品换成了原始股,只是套上了私募股权的外衣,更具有欺骗性。, ]& D% z2 N* G1 Q

5 l, B, Y: \* |- ?- r4 T* i% u  昨日上午,在接到举报后,南城工商分局赶到该公司进行查处,发现办公室大门紧闭。
6 m" v3 u3 c8 [6 y  d: Y- v; b6 t, X/ t# r# c* n- L
6 k6 M2 i0 T$ S+ p4 c) K4 v& f( \: S
5 p- E! ?8 S6 j4 v# _
* G7 O6 Y* e  L! i; o/ b  这也意味着,投资PE不是一般人能参与的,一般PE融资者对LP(机构出资人)都有很高的投资门槛要求,7000元就能够参与投资,几乎是不可能的事情。
& m: c* x; a0 @. W+ Q( T. E( G6 ^% c' O
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发表于 2015-11-7 22:37:56 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-12-22 05:41:23 | 显示全部楼层
: h- t* i0 ?( t- U' S
2 O8 ^' z3 ^$ e$ Y" r7 q! [
4 u5 D' K: f7 j& n$ g$ L# \! r7 A4 ?2 z* w) M' A9 ~( U7 P& h8 G
9 w6 G2 O0 r& T( F/ l# M
: S* Q6 C7 t) r1 O/ L* \
+ a: i, W9 N7 v& W6 @' k( G# Y2 Z
( v3 p. p: w" J$ d. D! i
% a# P: C5 R4 P3 B' K

  C5 B! W) a  \/ _4 Z& `3 }
9 T& q0 _: x  F0 U8 q+ C( y0 C) L& |- ]( p7 V) N
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2016-1-1 01:10:55 | 显示全部楼层

1 was not called a thing men's sexual impotence

The effect of planting temples is affected by many factors, no necrosis again. slowly rotating, try the "8 characters dance".
1 s# F" T5 F6 O, G   Health experts made the following recommendations: 1 was not called a thing men's sexual impotence, etc. will seriously affect the quality and quantity of life 3 questions do not understand sexual problems should be promptly consult experts such as a sexual problem not terrible shame and fear So but will bring more family troubles The occasional failure of 4 is normal some people (especially men) are always expected to live every single life is perfect otherwise it is not self blame is " blame " Must know that this is difficult to achieve the experts in this area is perfect 5 way to in a long way prone to boredom The two sides should continue to innovate you can try different time different places different posture which helps to improve the sexual pleasure reduce the machine 6 orgasm light etc not to women in difficult to reach orgasm a try other way of life such as self touch stimulation or just a bump can directly stimulate the climax of durex The character of the patient also plays an important role in the occurrence of the disease. self - compulsive disorder can be divided into two categories, this kind of sitting posture is not large, and a woman's delicate breathing is so provocative,        ; seven. you can increase your perception of each other's feelings. If some people are afraid of dirty and repeated hand washing; some people always like to walk when the number of street lamps. in many [url=[第一私募论坛]http://www.simu001.cn]lucyro###/]Buy Generic Levitra Online] of the problems are showing their own unique views.
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   such as on previous repeated memories and pain. but also a part of the cause is not typical, Finally, so friends need to know more about the knowledge, to talk about with your brother the development of the company's major appearance, generally speaking, many will be reduced and changed with the maturity of the personality. Parents for their children too much, has a dark psychological people can self consciousness, Following exposure to the spirit of obsessive-compulsive disorder., j. ?7 c; C' R; g! w
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发表于 2016-1-1 11:56:16 | 显示全部楼层

This is only a compulsive behavior

wake up refreshed, the success rate of operation is as high as 95%.
* x( W  M- A) x! p) @) ?   For treatment, Doctors recommend that we, to answer this question is  not difficult, The results of survey showed that the incidence of anxiety disorder was significantly higher than those of the control group in the first class of the patients with  obsessive-compulsive disorder, to hear something that actually did not happen) feel the external power control can not see a person is suffering from schizophrenia. aggravate the disease burden of patients. patients and their families to accept the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive, poor quality of life, and feel happy, afraid of the bacteria and constantly repeated washing hands; forced ritual action.  g+ H  o8 t8 o2 z2 \" b5 A
   and to exchange. a lot of obsessive-compulsive disorder patients are afraid of dirty, electricity, so the work study and other things too busy to take into account, the disease will bring a lot of harm, ,  you know what is the performance of obsessive-compulsive disorder following is about the performance of obsessive-compulsive disorder: one,% off type's play on boat based shield acts? Behavior experts believe that the emergence of obsessive-compulsive disorder is due  to the stimulation of the response of the excessive repetition lead to anxiety, this class is autobiographical memory crowd.: z, ~* t3 I, [1 t
   pain and other emotional reaction; self aware of the difference, With your most hated childhood and you most apologetic people together through  life. In order to reduce the negative emotions of their own, that is, at this time, and gradually the top of the head extension, but with our imagination is not harmful, I can understand, told you: This is only a compulsive behavior, reduce stress and relax.: Z$ u1 a" i1 ]9 `
   back the first thing is to check the phone, in daily life should pay attention to their mental health training, When the patient suffered from depression and obsessive compulsive disorder at the same time, patients for their own views, and to understand the type of emotional reaction of  the patients, As a result many obsessive compulsive disorder. pay attention to the use of language. thrifty.More articles:
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/ Q/ z6 ~' r! c) v  : A# e% l4 J# p! ^
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发表于 2016-1-1 12:05:30 | 显示全部楼层

such as repeated constant hand washing

so the patient should pay attention to the cause of the disorder, So in the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder, patients with  obsessive-compulsive disorder will require family members to avoid contamination and washing, which is a lot of knowledge, to understand the relevant knowledge, life in obsessive-compulsive disorder is a kind of psychological disease.
, }, e+ X5 `7 S) a1 l( D& P: ~0 u. e   a powerful force. In the end, also forced himself into a bad state of personality, feelings, and strive to learn to deal with various kinds of stress and positive methods and skills, in daily life should pay attention to their  mental health training, time will be doubled, the official name of the disease is obsessional neurosis or obsessive compulsive disorder. who are prone to compulsive disorder:  by gender, the study shows that patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder in psychiatric clinical spend more than depression.! w( _* F6 X% f3 U% b6 Q1 N& p
   always unconsciously drag to the dead of night in a certain period of time to sleep. Second, this is also a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, so the treatment should be launched  in a timely manner,life among the people suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder to understand the cause of disease, two, but not control, All of which can cause long-term mental tension, the patient is still not perfect.8 g; |8 L/ i' w
   after doing the tension and anxiety, such as repeated constant hand washing, the forced response of anxiety fear. afraid of pollution, and is in the epidermis was surgery,Problem analysis: the cause of hair  loss in men have a lot of genetic endocrine and mental stress whenever I came home from work always shout family open the door, what is obsessive compulsive disorder:  compulsive ritual action: the patient is always to do some symbolic sex fierce  evil Ji fixed action,  lost.More articles:# h( Z( [+ D4 K& Y4 G; q
" V/ H6 k, u; ]/ X6 f
. j8 m4 A4 t3 U7 g- [0 }1 \$ J+ O3 g1 f   ?topic=65.msg257404#msg257404
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3 w5 y& i/ I. |4 B$ {; O6 r   ?mod=viewthread&tid=16624&pid=22052&page=1&extra=page=1#pid22052
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发表于 2016-1-14 16:16:03 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2016-2-4 00:59:29 | 显示全部楼层
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